I once had a job interview with a CEO who very proudly proclaimed to me that his company had been doing Agile development since before it started getting called “Agile”. I accepted a position with that company but was surprised to discover that while they occasionally had a “scrum” meeting and used the term “sprint’ […]
CIOs & IT Directors/Managers have to make difficult decisions on almost a daily basis. Those decisions can often come with significant technical and business risks. A common decision facing them today is the selection of a cloud platform for their next application and project. There are both technical and business risks associated with choosing a […]
You may have heard of the many advantages of using Apache Kafka as part of your Event Driven System. It’s a fast, scalable and fault-tolerant distributed streaming platform that countless enterprise companies use to build real-time streaming data pipelines and applications. Getting data in and out of a Kafka-powered platform, however, can be a challenge. […]
Real time messaging, batch processing, stream processing — just a few descriptions of frameworks and platforms that have been thrown around without much thought behind from the leaders that be. At Enfuse we’ve been through the laundry cycle of data processing platforms time and time again. Rarely, if ever (and by that I mean never), […]
Recently we had the pleasure of presenting at SpringOne Platform in Washington DC. We spoke about Continuous Data Governance, Continuous Application Governance, and how that works together with Spring Cloud Data Flow and Secure Distributed Ledgers. At Enfuse we are huge fans of the Spring Framework and the teams that keep coming out with great […]
Hello there!! Recently Google introduced open sourced plugin called Jib. A plugin helps easily build and push Java Docker images to a repo. It does not require you to write a Dockerfile or have docker installed. Plugin available for Maven and Gradle.
Why Pair Programming? This is an age old question that many software developers silently wonder to themselves — especially those of you that are used to sitting in a dark lit room in front of a monitor with EDM blasting into your ears hammering out unit tests. I can’t tell you why Anytown USA Software Company […]