Intro Spring Boot has revolutionized the way modern applications are built. Its opinionated view of the Spring platform and minimal configuration allows developers to quickly build robust enterprise-grade applications. Spring Boot 3.0 was officially released in November 2022, and gives us many new features and improvements. Based on version 6.0 of the Spring Framework, Spring […]
In this article we will go over how to implement role based, method level security in a Spring Boot project using a token generated by Keycloak. It’s a fairly simple and straightforward process, and shouldn’t take more than 30-45 minutes to setup in a new project. Here’s a list of the steps we will cover […]
Background A client was migrating their internal portal from GCP to Azure. Their portal consisted of a Spring Boot backend and React frontend hosted in GCP, supported by GCS file storage, Postgres DB and credential management. Our client was planning a lift-and-shift migration. During our assessment, they wanted to understand opportunities to take advantage of […]
Read about the Backstage platform and the new plugin (powered by Enfuse) that allows you to see relevant Azure Spring App insights.
Azure Spring Application Enterprise (ASAE) is a fully managed environment for hosting your Spring Boot App with simple, intuitive hooks into other Azure services (such as cache, DB, object storage, etc). If you are building or managing some of the 58% of production Java apps using Spring[1] I would highly recommend finding out more about […]
Let’s be honest, Heroku changed the game. If you’ve ever read or come across the tenets that comprise 12 factor app development, then you can directly thank the engineers over at Heroku. This post isn’t about all 12 factors though, it’s about only one: Config. Configuration is a necessary element of any modern software application. […]
Caching is essential for any application, join us as we learn how to set-up a Redis cache in Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise.
Overview This guide will walk you through the process of deploying a Spring application to Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise. It is designed to provide an introductory look into deploying a Spring application to Azure Spring Cloud with little to no experience using Spring Framework or Microsoft Azure specifically Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise. At Enfuse, we […]
Overview This article will cover a few things. First, we’ll demonstrate how to deploy a Spring Boot MVC app in an AWS Lambda. Next, we’ll discuss why you would want to do this instead of using Spring Cloud Function. Finally, we’ll dig into Lambda cold starts and how to tune a Spring app to mitigate […]